Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rejects, no longer rejects.

Working on architecture today. 

This is all.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Human emotion.

I was shooting this weekend for a piece for my "Fears" body of work. I was taking photographs in a manner in which I could capture people without them knowing. I got what I needed, but this image in particular stole my focus.
I stared to think about human emotion and how we regulate it ourselves and how we try to regulate others. Obviously there are gender implications to the above statement. Males should be strong and emotionless, women should be weak and full of uncontrollable emotion.

These things were in mind when I first saw this image upon my initial edit. A male and female, presumably romantically involved, shopping together. The male holding his own bag while the female holds hers. I feel like this image holds true emotion. Happiness. Both sexes happy. the male isn't dragging because he is shopping, as the female isn't loathing shopping without a girlfriend. It seems as this image breaks a few stereotypes about sexes. More specifically as they apply to shopping I suppose. But none the less it was nice to see.

TL;DR? The only question, is the emotion only real because they are unaware of the camera, would the dynamic change if they were aware?

This is all.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Faint memories.

As I go on throughout my life, I can feel my memories leaving me. Nothing is really as clear as it used to be. Thoughts become fogged, ideas lose their relevance.

Thinking about this concept makes me sad. It is discouraging to know someday we will forget something we really valued. But at the same time that faintness of mind is what makes a memory beautiful I suppose. Easily made, easily lost.

Perhaps this is the reason I decided to spend my entire education and subsequently my entire life capturing and preserving things I see and value. Perhaps I emotionally can't deal with the concept of forgetting. Or perhaps I just want forgetting to cease to exist.

Trying to critically analyze why I do things is hard because I feel that photography comes naturally for me. So this must mean that it is my natural tendency to fear the loss, because I want to capture and preserve the would-be lost.

This is all.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Productive day.

Productive day. Completed two pieces. Gathered supplies for another two.
This is one of two photographs I took today for a diptych for my 'Fears' body of work. This is not the color that will be used per se. At least I don't think it is.
I've been working with color recently trying to achieve a certain ascetic that I can't describe. It is close cross processing. It kind of only exists in my head. Which is a nice place for it to hangout.
This and the other image were taken in a private building I was not supposed to be in. I was wearing this mask and other awkward things that were making people uncomfortable. But I found that but just talking to them, saying hello, defused the situation and they ignored me.
Lately I have realized that If there is something you want, and you persevere to get it, you probably will. I feel that persistence is rewarded and determination is essential.
These are things I am trying to apply to my everyday life.

This is all.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lazy already.

I planned to do an update yester/to-day but I got preoccupied drinking a delicious Midwesten tour of micro-brewed beer. Wouldn't it be funny if this turned into a beer blog?

These are my favorites of the weekend. KC originals lovingly sandwiched between Iowa favorites. Gain Belt wins the weekend though.
*Not included in picture: All the skanky Bud Lite we drank*

This is all.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Mini Strobes!?

These are the mini strobe test shots as promised. 

Architecture shoot got canceled today. Sad. 
Chair-sculpture is on it's way. Phase 1 done.
Friends coming into town tonight. They are bringing beer.

This is all.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oh hello. I didn't see you there.

This is a photograph of solemn times. I was sitting in my car at 7:30am. It was raining slightly and I was happy. My headlights stay on all the time, if you were wondering.

Working on a body of work involving photographs of my feet.

Building a photo contraption for self portraits.

Finished today a pair of mini strobes for photographing macro business. Photos to follow. 

Continuing to shoot architecture. 

Continuing to shoot fears.

Building a chair-sculpture made of a certain everyday item. 

This is all.